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K-plastic surgery

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The Netflix documentary "Explained: The World" (2021) on plastic surgery states one-third of women in their 20s of Korea undergo plastic surgeries.

Korea is known for having one of the highest rates of plastic surgery in the world. According to renowned plastic surgeons in Korea, the fundamental medical theory behind surgery is anatomy, and they acknowledge that the United States is still at the top of the field. However, patient satisfaction largely depends on each surgeon's individual skills and expertise. The meticulousness and high standards of Korean surgeons have been key factors in establishing Korea as a leader in plastic surgery. More clinical experience has led to a cycle of skill enhancement among Korean surgeons, making Korea a global center for plastic surgery conferences and events.😲

In a society where everyone feels pressured to meet specific beauty standards, plastic surgery in Korea has become a powerful social symbol rather than just a cosmetic procedure. The standards of beauty are heavily influenced by popular culture, especially K-POP and television dramas. Successful figures in these industries set the absolute criteria for beauty, which creates pressure on ordinary people to adjust their appearances through surgery. Consequently, plastic surgery is often viewed not as a personal choice but as a societal expectation.😥

During past official visit to Kazakhstan by the President and First Lady, a local newspaper prominently featured the first lady's history of plastic surgery

Recently, the political events surrounding the current president's declaration of a state of emergency in Korea have heightened interest in the president's wife. Discussions about her past plastic surgeries have led to increased criticism within Korea. The First Lady’s plastic surgery history serves as a representative example of this culture. Her appearance is closely associated with her political image, and her decision to enhance her looks suggests to the public that plastic surgery is socially acceptable and a legitimate way to seek a better image. Yet, this trend emphasizes external beauty while neglecting inner qualities and individuality.😔

In Korea, evaluating appearances is commonplace, placing psychological pressure on many individuals. The fear of being judged negatively for not undergoing surgery affects both women and men. Self-esteem is often tied to whether one has plastic surgery, illustrating how an appearance-focused society can distort personal value. When applying for jobs in Korea, it is still common for human resources departments to expect a resume accompanied by a photo. A good appearance has become a requirement for securing good job opportunities.😥

Many foreigners from Southeast Asia, China, and around the world are traveling to Korea for affordable plastic surgery, combining their procedures with sightseeing during their recovery. Plastic surgery has become a vital part of the Korean economy, creating a culture where investments in outward appearance are justified. However, this trend also hides a tragic reality. The pursuit of "improvement" through plastic surgery can lead to feelings of inadequacy and isolation rather than true self-enhancement. It is easy to overlook how these desires may reflect more profound self-esteem and personal identity issues.

Ultimately, Korea's plastic surgery culture reflects many hidden problems behind its glamorous appearance. It is time to focus not on altering outward appearances but on achieving inner satisfaction and self-reflection. Society should move towards respecting individuality and diversity instead of rigid beauty standards. The plastic surgery culture in Korea is a warning signal that goes beyond simple aesthetic improvement, revealing deeper psychological wounds and social anxieties. This issue cannot merely be dismissed as a pursuit of beauty; its implications are deeper and more complex.✔️